Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What is Holistic Cuisine?

"You are what you eat," is probably the most known phrase, and if all you eat are foods cooked with any of the aforementioned chemically enhanced products, you maybe doing your body more harm than you know. You wouldn't put bad quality gasoline in your car, else its engine would splutter and spit back in a short span of time. In the same way, it's important to nourish your body with the right food free of chemicals in order to be healthy and happy!

Holistic cuisine is not a newly developed technique; in fact its roots lie in the ancient Ayurvedic traditions where food is was based on science and was meant to provide the body with the best nutrition. It is about making the best of natural produce and appropriate herbs and spices to to create dishes that are tasty and nourishing to the body. Guruji Sri Sri Poonamji advocates holistic cuisine and sees it as a simple means to heal one’s body.

Holistic cuisine opens your eyes to the healing wonders of everyday foods in your pantry, especially how the tinest herbs can pack a huge nutritional benefit.

It brings you back to the why we eat, to nourish our bodies' capabilities.
Consume on an enlightened level with Holistic Cuisine, as ingredients, herbs and spices are picked appropriately to enhance the flavor and healing properties of the food.

Be amazed at the simplicity and time effectiveness of whipping up such healing cuisine with natural produce, herbs and spices. Consultant Chef Yogesh Arora provides you with an understanding of the nourishing capabilities of holistic cuisine.

Guruji Sri Sri Poonamji

Guruji Sri Sri Poonamji is the inspiration behind Design A Cuisine. Guruji pioneers holistic approaches in cooking, as an easy means to heal one’s self. Guruji is blessed with a unique knowledge of energies and transforming them. She is able to see that energies can be transferred through actions, and advises that chefs should have mental calm and clarity to prevent negative energetic transfers into what they are cooking. Guruji’s personal recipes are being used in the cuisine.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Welcome to the Design A Cuisine blog!

George Bernard Shaw espoused that "there is no sincere love than the love of food". There is no widely known truth than that, for it is said that the means to a man's heart is through his stomach.

Design A Cuisine etches our way to your heart and a newer you with our healing and tasty cuisine through the specialised use of holistic principles. We provide an array of services that include private cooking classes, food promotions, consultancy, menu designing, staff training and many more.

This is the official Design A Cuisine blog where you can find updates on Design A Cuisine events, cooking tips, health tips and anything foodworthy!